Update crack CleanMyMac X for Mac 4.12.1 (41201.0.2211091011)

This commit is contained in:
somebasj 2022-11-14 11:13:35 +08:00
parent 00fb216722
commit 3e31713131
11 changed files with 552 additions and 0 deletions

assets/CMMX.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 39 KiB

crack/CMMFoundation Executable file

Binary file not shown.

crack/CleanMyMac X Executable file

Binary file not shown.

crack/CleanMyMacX.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
## patch activated
### 1. find -[CMMacPawAccountActivationManager isAppActivated]
#### x86_64
__text:000000010003F067 ; char __cdecl -[CMMacPawAccountActivationManager isAppActivated](CMMacPawAccountActivationManager *self, SEL)
__text:000000010003F067 __CMMacPawAccountActivationManager_isAppActivated_ proc near
__text:000000010003F067 ; DATA XREF: __objc_const:000000010067C6B0↓o
__text:000000010003F067 var_8 = byte ptr -8
__text:000000010003F067 55 push rbp
__text:000000010003F068 48 89 E5 mov rbp, rsp
__text:000000010003F06B 48 83 EC 10 sub rsp, 10h
__text:000000010003F06F 48 8D 7D F8 lea rdi, [rbp+var_8]
__text:000000010003F073 48 C7 07 9C FF FF FF mov qword ptr [rdi], 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFF9Ch
__text:000000010003F07A E8 71 66 38 00 call sub_1003C56F0
__text:000000010003F07F 84 C0 test al, al
__text:000000010003F081 75 13 jnz short loc_10003F096
__text:000000010003F083 BF 01 00 00 00 mov edi, 1
__text:000000010003F088 31 F6 xor esi, esi
__text:000000010003F08A E8 04 61 FD FF call sub_100015193
__text:000000010003F08F 48 83 F8 09 cmp rax, 9
__text:000000010003F093 0F 94 C0 setz al
__text:000000010003F096 loc_10003F096: ; CODE XREF: -[CMMacPawAccountActivationManager isAppActivated]+1A↑j
__text:000000010003F096 0F BE C0 movsx eax, al
__text:000000010003F099 48 83 C4 10 add rsp, 10h
__text:000000010003F09D 5D pop rbp
__text:000000010003F09E C3 retn
__text:000000010003F09E __CMMacPawAccountActivationManager_isAppActivated_ endp
__text:00000001003C56F0 sub_1003C56F0 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_10002B273+28↑p
__text:00000001003C56F0 ; +[CMLinkBuilder standardURLTrackingParametersDictionary]+21F↑p ...
__text:00000001003C56F0 55 push rbp
__text:00000001003C56F1 48 89 E5 mov rbp, rsp
__text:00000001003C56F4 48 81 EC A0 06 00 00 sub rsp, 6A0h
__text:00000001003C56FB 48 8B 05 16 91 26 00 mov rax, cs:___stack_chk_guard_ptr
__text:00000001003C5702 48 8B 00 mov rax, [rax]
__text:00000001003C5705 48 89 45 F8 mov [rbp+var_8], rax
__text:00000001003C5709 48 89 BD 18 FD FF FF mov [rbp+var_2E8], rdi
__text:00000001003C5710 C6 85 17 FD FF FF 00 mov [rbp+var_2E9], 0
__text:00000001003C5717 E8 FE E2 15 00 call _objc_autoreleasePoolPush
__text:00000001003C571C 48 8B 0D ED 8D 26 00 mov rcx, cs:_NSApp_ptr
__text:00000001003C5723 48 C7 85 08 FD FF FF 00 00 00 00 mov [rbp+var_2F8], 0
__text:00000001003C572E 48 8B 95 08 FD FF FF mov rdx, [rbp+var_2F8]
__text:00000001003C5735 48 89 95 00 FD FF FF mov [rbp+var_300], rdx
__text:00000001003C573C 48 8D 95 00 FD FF FF lea rdx, [rbp+var_300]
__text:00000001003C5743 48 89 95 60 FD FF FF mov [rbp+var_2A0], rdx
__text:00000001003C574A 48 83 39 00 cmp qword ptr [rcx], 0
__text:00000001003C574E 48 89 85 E8 FC FF FF mov [rbp+context], rax
__text:00000001003C5755 0F 84 39 00 00 00 jz loc_1003C5794
__text:00000001003C575B 48 8B 05 1E 07 41 00 mov rax, cs:qword_1007D5E80
__text:00000001003C5762 48 8B 0D A7 8D 26 00 mov rcx, cs:_NSApp_ptr
__text:00000001003C5769 48 8B 39 mov rdi, [rcx]
__text:00000001003C576C 48 8D 35 B5 07 41 00 lea rsi, unk_1007D5F28
__text:00000001003C5773 FF D0 call rax ; qword_1007D5E80
__text:00000001003C5775 48 89 85 E0 FC FF FF mov [rbp+var_320], rax
__text:00000001003C577C E9 00 00 00 00 jmp $+5
55 48 89 E5 48 81 EC A0 06 00 00 48 8B 05 16 91
26 00 48 8B 00 48 89 45 F8 48 89 BD 18 FD FF FF
C6 85 17 FD FF FF 00 E8 FE E2 15 00 48 8B 0D ED
8D 26 00 48 C7 85 08 FD FF FF 00 00 00 00 48 8B
95 08 FD FF FF 48 89 95 00 FD FF FF 48 8D 95 00
FD FF FF 48 89 95 60 FD FF FF 48 83 39 00 48 89
85 E8 FC FF FF 0F 84 39 00 00 00 48 8B 05 1E 07
6A 01 58 C3
#### arm64
__text:000000010003FC30 ; bool __cdecl -[CMMacPawAccountActivationManager isAppActivated](CMMacPawAccountActivationManager *self, SEL)
__text:000000010003FC30 __CMMacPawAccountActivationManager_isAppActivated_
__text:000000010003FC30 ; DATA XREF: __objc_methlist:00000001004D3FD4↓o
__text:000000010003FC30 var_8 = -8
__text:000000010003FC30 var_s0 = 0
__text:000000010003FC30 FF 83 00 D1 SUB SP, SP, #0x20 ; __int64
__text:000000010003FC34 FD 7B 01 A9 STP X29, X30, [SP,#0x10+var_s0] ; __int64
__text:000000010003FC38 FD 43 00 91 ADD X29, SP, #0x10
__text:000000010003FC3C 68 0C 80 92 MOV X8, #0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF9C
__text:000000010003FC40 E8 07 00 F9 STR X8, [SP,#0x10+var_8] ; __int64
__text:000000010003FC44 E0 23 00 91 ADD X0, SP, #0x10+var_8 ; int
__text:000000010003FC48 2C CD 0C 94 BL sub_1003730F8
__text:000000010003FC4C 60 00 00 36 TBZ W0, #0, loc_10003FC58
__text:000000010003FC50 20 00 80 52 MOV W0, #1
__text:000000010003FC54 06 00 00 14 B loc_10003FC6C
__text:000000010003FC58 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
__text:000000010003FC58 loc_10003FC58 ; CODE XREF: -[CMMacPawAccountActivationManager isAppActivated]+1C↑j
__text:000000010003FC58 20 00 80 52 MOV W0, #1
__text:000000010003FC5C 01 00 80 D2 MOV X1, #0
__text:000000010003FC60 40 64 FF 97 BL sub_100018D60
__text:000000010003FC64 1F 24 00 F1 CMP X0, #9
__text:000000010003FC68 E0 17 9F 1A CSET W0, EQ
__text:000000010003FC6C loc_10003FC6C ; CODE XREF: -[CMMacPawAccountActivationManager isAppActivated]+24↑j
__text:000000010003FC6C FD 7B 41 A9 LDP X29, X30, [SP,#0x10+var_s0]
__text:000000010003FC70 FF 83 00 91 ADD SP, SP, #0x20 ; ' '
__text:000000010003FC74 C0 03 5F D6 RET
__text:000000010003FC74 ; End of function -[CMMacPawAccountActivationManager isAppActivated]
__text:00000001003730F8 sub_1003730F8 ; CODE XREF: sub_10002BCEC+28↑p
__text:00000001003730F8 ; +[CMLinkBuilder standardURLTrackingParametersDictionary]+210↑p ...
__text:00000001003730F8 FC 6F BE A9 STP X28, X27, [SP,#-0x10+var_10]!
__text:00000001003730FC FD 7B 01 A9 STP X29, X30, [SP,#0x10+var_s0]
__text:0000000100373100 FD 43 00 91 ADD X29, SP, #0x10
__text:0000000100373104 FF 83 1B D1 SUB SP, SP, #0x6E0
__text:0000000100373108 E8 63 11 91 ADD X8, SP, #0x6F0+var_298
__text:000000010037310C C9 14 00 D0 ADRP X9, #_NSApp_ptr@PAGE
__text:0000000100373110 29 61 45 F9 LDR X9, [X9,#_NSApp_ptr@PAGEOFF]
__text:0000000100373114 AA 0F 00 90 4A 69 1D 91 ADRL X10, aDmEnableDebugL ; "DM_ENABLE_DEBUG_LOGGING_ACTIVATION"
__text:000000010037311C 0B 00 80 D2 MOV X11, #0
__text:0000000100373120 0C 20 00 F0 8C 21 28 91 ADRL X12, qword_100776A08
__text:0000000100373128 4D 1C 00 F0 AD 81 2F 91 ADRL X13, selRef_stringByAppendingPathComponent_
__text:0000000100373130 AE 1C 00 B0 CE 41 14 91 ADRL X14, classRef_NSFileManager
__text:0000000100373138 4F 1C 00 F0 EF 01 05 91 ADRL X15, selRef_defaultManager
__text:0000000100373140 90 1C 00 90 10 42 2E 91 ADRL X16, selRef_alloc
__text:0000000100373148 B1 1C 00 D0 31 62 09 91 ADRL X17, classRef_NSError
__text:0000000100373150 C1 15 00 D0 21 A0 0E 91 ADRL X1, off_10062D3A8
__text:0000000100373158 C2 14 00 D0 ADRP X2, #___stack_chk_guard_ptr@PAGE
__text:000000010037315C 42 E8 46 F9 LDR X2, [X2,#___stack_chk_guard_ptr@PAGEOFF]
__text:0000000100373160 42 00 40 F9 LDR X2, [X2]
__text:0000000100373164 A2 83 1E F8 STUR X2, [X29,#var_18]
__text:0000000100373168 E0 FF 01 F9 STR X0, [SP,#0x6F0+var_2F8]
__text:000000010037316C 03 00 80 52 MOV W3, #0
FC 6F BE A9 FD 7B 01 A9 FD 43 00 91 FF 83 1B D1
E8 63 11 91 C9 14 00 D0 29 61 45 F9 AA 0F 00 90
4A 69 1D 91 0B 00 80 D2 0C 20 00 F0 8C 21 28 91
4D 1C 00 F0 AD 81 2F 91 AE 1C 00 B0 CE 41 14 91
4F 1C 00 F0 EF 01 05 91 90 1C 00 90 10 42 2E 91
B1 1C 00 D0 31 62 09 91 C1 15 00 D0 21 A0 0E 91
20 00 80 D2 C0 03 5F D6

crack/CleanMyMacXMenu.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
## 1. patch CMMFoundation isMainAppActivated
`CleanMyMac X.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/CleanMyMac X Menu.app/Contents/Frameworks/CMMFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CMMFoundation`
### x86_64
__text:0000000000071B20 ; char __cdecl +[CMSharedProtectedPreferencesBridge isMainAppActivated](id, SEL)
__text:0000000000071B20 __CMSharedProtectedPreferencesBridge_isMainAppActivated_ proc near
__text:0000000000071B20 ; DATA XREF: __objc_data:00000000001FBF08↓o
__text:0000000000071B20 55 push rbp
__text:0000000000071B21 48 89 E5 mov rbp, rsp
__text:0000000000071B24 E8 17 03 00 00 call sub_71E40
__text:0000000000071B29 0F B6 C0 movzx eax, al
__text:0000000000071B2C 83 E0 01 and eax, 1
__text:0000000000071B2F 5D pop rbp
__text:0000000000071B30 C3 retn
__text:0000000000071B30 __CMSharedProtectedPreferencesBridge_isMainAppActivated_ endp
__text:0000000000071E40 sub_71E40 proc near ; CODE XREF: +[CMSharedProtectedPreferencesBridge isMainAppActivated]+4↑p
__text:0000000000071E40 ; static SharedProtectedPreferencesBridge.isMainAppActivated.getter+5↑j
__text:0000000000071E40 var_30 = qword ptr -30h
__text:0000000000071E40 55 push rbp
__text:0000000000071E41 48 89 E5 mov rbp, rsp
__text:0000000000071E44 41 57 push r15
__text:0000000000071E46 41 56 push r14
__text:0000000000071E48 41 55 push r13
__text:0000000000071E4A 41 54 push r12
__text:0000000000071E4C 53 push rbx
__text:0000000000071E4D 50 push rax
__text:0000000000071E4E 31 FF xor edi, edi
__text:0000000000071E50 E8 FF 21 10 00 call _$sSS10FoundationE8EncodingVMa ; type metadata accessor for String.Encoding
__text:0000000000071E55 48 8B 40 F8 mov rax, [rax-8]
__text:0000000000071E59 48 8B 40 40 mov rax, [rax+40h]
__text:0000000000071E5D 48 89 E3 mov rbx, rsp
__text:0000000000071E60 48 83 C0 0F add rax, 0Fh
__text:0000000000071E64 48 83 E0 F0 and rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0h
__text:0000000000071E68 48 29 C3 sub rbx, rax
__text:0000000000071E6B 48 89 DC mov rsp, rbx
__text:0000000000071E6E 48 83 3D 5A E8 18 00 FF cmp cs:qword_2006D0, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh
__text:0000000000071E76 0F 85 E2 00 00 00 jnz loc_71F5E
55 48 89 E5 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 50 31 FF
E8 FF 21 10 00 48 8B 40 F8 48 8B 40 40 48 89 E3
48 83 C0 0F 48 83 E0 F0 48 29 C3 48 89 DC 48 83
3D 5A E8 18 00 FF 0F 85 E2 00 00 00 4C 8B 2D 8D
F3 18 00 4C 8B 3D 8E F3 18 00 4C 8B 35 8F F3 18
00 4C 89 EF BE 02 00 00 00 E8 E8 2E 10 00 4C 89
6A 01 58 C3
__text:0000000000071E40 sub_71E40 proc near ; CODE XREF: +[CMSharedProtectedPreferencesBridge isMainAppActivated]+4↑p
__text:0000000000071E40 ; static SharedProtectedPreferencesBridge.isMainAppActivated.getter+5↑j
__text:0000000000071E40 6A 01 push 1
__text:0000000000071E42 58 pop rax
__text:0000000000071E43 C3 retn
__text:0000000000071E43 sub_71E40 endp
### arm64
__text:0000000000071E00 ; bool __cdecl +[CMSharedProtectedPreferencesBridge isMainAppActivated](id, SEL)
__text:0000000000071E00 __CMSharedProtectedPreferencesBridge_isMainAppActivated_
__text:0000000000071E00 ; DATA XREF: __objc_methlist:0000000000179770↓o
__text:0000000000071E00 var_s0 = 0
__text:0000000000071E00 FD 7B BF A9 STP X29, X30, [SP,#-0x10+var_s0]!
__text:0000000000071E04 FD 03 00 91 MOV X29, SP
__text:0000000000071E08 B4 00 00 94 BL _$s13CMMFoundation32SharedProtectedPreferencesBridgeC18isMainAppActivatedSbvgZ_0 ; static SharedProtectedPreferencesBridge.isMainAppActivated.getter
__text:0000000000071E0C 00 00 00 12 AND W0, W0, #1
__text:0000000000071E10 FD 7B C1 A8 LDP X29, X30, [SP+var_s0],#0x10
__text:0000000000071E14 C0 03 5F D6 RET
__text:0000000000071E14 ; End of function +[CMSharedProtectedPreferencesBridge isMainAppActivated]
__text:00000000000720D8 ; static CMMFoundation.SharedProtectedPreferencesBridge.isMainAppActivated.getter : Swift.Bool
__text:00000000000720D8 _$s13CMMFoundation32SharedProtectedPreferencesBridgeC18isMainAppActivatedSbvgZ_0
__text:00000000000720D8 ; CODE XREF: +[CMSharedProtectedPreferencesBridge isMainAppActivated]+8↑p
__text:00000000000720D8 ; static SharedProtectedPreferencesBridge.isMainAppActivated.getter↑j
__text:00000000000720D8 var_30 = -0x30
__text:00000000000720D8 var_20 = -0x20
__text:00000000000720D8 var_10 = -0x10
__text:00000000000720D8 var_s0 = 0
__text:00000000000720D8 F8 5F BC A9 STP X24, X23, [SP,#-0x10+var_30]!
__text:00000000000720DC F6 57 01 A9 STP X22, X21, [SP,#0x30+var_20]
__text:00000000000720E0 F4 4F 02 A9 STP X20, X19, [SP,#0x30+var_10]
__text:00000000000720E4 FD 7B 03 A9 STP X29, X30, [SP,#0x30+var_s0]
__text:00000000000720E8 FD C3 00 91 ADD X29, SP, #0x30
__text:00000000000720EC 00 00 80 D2 MOV X0, #0
__text:00000000000720F0 54 ED 03 94 BL _$sSS10FoundationE8EncodingVMa ; type metadata accessor for String.Encoding
__text:00000000000720F4 08 80 5F F8 LDUR X8, [X0,#-8]
__text:00000000000720F8 08 21 40 F9 LDR X8, [X8,#0x40]
__text:00000000000720FC E9 03 00 91 MOV X9, SP
__text:0000000000072100 08 3D 00 91 ADD X8, X8, #0xF
__text:0000000000072104 08 ED 7C 92 AND X8, X8, #0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0
__text:0000000000072108 35 01 08 CB SUB X21, X9, X8
__text:000000000007210C BF 02 00 91 MOV SP, X21
__text:0000000000072110 28 0C 00 B0 ADRP X8, #qword_1F7A28@PAGE
__text:0000000000072114 08 15 45 F9 LDR X8, [X8,#qword_1F7A28@PAGEOFF]
__text:0000000000072118 1F 05 00 B1 CMN X8, #1
__text:000000000007211C A1 07 00 54 B.NE loc_72210
F8 5F BC A9 F6 57 01 A9 F4 4F 02 A9 FD 7B 03 A9
FD C3 00 91 00 00 80 D2 54 ED 03 94 08 80 5F F8
08 21 40 F9 E9 03 00 91 08 3D 00 91 08 ED 7C 92
35 01 08 CB BF 02 00 91 28 0C 00 B0 08 15 45 F9
1F 05 00 B1 A1 07 00 54 28 0C 00 D0 08 81 15 91
20 00 80 D2 C0 03 5F D6
__text:00000000000720D8 ; static CMMFoundation.SharedProtectedPreferencesBridge.isMainAppActivated.getter : Swift.Bool
__text:00000000000720D8 _$s13CMMFoundation32SharedProtectedPreferencesBridgeC18isMainAppActivatedSbvgZ_0
__text:00000000000720D8 ; CODE XREF: +[CMSharedProtectedPreferencesBridge isMainAppActivated]+8↑p
__text:00000000000720D8 ; static SharedProtectedPreferencesBridge.isMainAppActivated.getter↑j
__text:00000000000720D8 20 00 80 D2 MOV X0, #1
__text:00000000000720DC C0 03 5F D6 RET
__text:00000000000720DC ; End of function static SharedProtectedPreferencesBridge.isMainAppActivated.getter

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

View File

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

readme.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# CleanMyMac X for Mac Crack
Crack for CleanMyMac X for Mac 4.12.1 (41201.0.2211091011)
- [x] Support Intel
- [x] Support Apple Silicon (M1 & M2)
# Install
Go to releases page download and install.
## Is this crack safe?
It's opensource, you can use any hex file comparison tool you like to see what has been modified.
## I want to crack it myself.
Check the crack folder to see how I cracked it.
## Where to get update?

scripts/extra_entitlements.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
cd $(dirname "$0");
cd "${CUR_PATH}/../";
function export_entitlements() {
codesign -d --entitlements - --xml "$1" 2>/dev/null | plutil -convert xml1 -o - - > "$2"
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Delete :com.apple.security.application-groups" "$2" 2>/dev/null
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Delete :com.apple.developer.team-identifier" "$2" 2>/dev/null
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Delete :keychain-access-groups" "$2" 2>/dev/null
sed -i "" "s/S8EX82NJP6\.//g" "$2"
mkdir -p "${ROOT_PATH}/entitlements"
export_entitlements "/Volumes/CleanMyMac X/CleanMyMac X.app" "${ROOT_PATH}/entitlements/CleanMyMac X.entitlements"
export_entitlements "/Volumes/CleanMyMac X/CleanMyMac X.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/CleanMyMac X HealthMonitor.app" "${ROOT_PATH}/entitlements/CleanMyMac X HealthMonitor.app.entitlements"
export_entitlements "/Volumes/CleanMyMac X/CleanMyMac X.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/CleanMyMac X Menu.app" "${ROOT_PATH}/entitlements/CleanMyMac X Menu.app.entitlements"

scripts/publish.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
cd $(dirname "$0");
cd "${CUR_PATH}/../";
if [ -n "$(security find-identity -v -p codesigning | grep 73B34EBEE504D5CEE35B113A22CEBFD381A21033)" ]; then
function sign_cmd() {
NAME=$(basename $1)
if [ -f "${ROOT_PATH}/entitlements/${NAME}.entitlements" ]; then
codesign -f -s "${CODESIGN_CERT}" --timestamp=none --all-architectures --deep \
--entitlements "${ROOT_PATH}/entitlements/${NAME}.entitlements" \
codesign -f -s "${CODESIGN_CERT}" --timestamp=none --all-architectures --deep "$1"
function ensure_download_dmg() {
if [ ! -f "${DMG_FILE}" ]; then
echo "[*] Download ${DMG_DOWNLOAD_URL}"
mkdir -p $(dirname "${DMG_FILE}")
curl -L --progress-bar -o "${DMG_FILE}" "${DMG_DOWNLOAD_URL}"
if [ -f "${DMG_FILE}" ]; then
echo "[*] Check hash for \"${DMG_FILE}\""
FILE_HASH=$(shasum -a 256 -b "${DMG_FILE}" | awk '{print $1}')
if [ ${FILE_HASH} != ${DMG_SHA256SUM} ]; then
echo "[-] ${FILE_HASH} != ${DMG_SHA256SUM}"
echo "[*] Delete \"${DMG_FILE}\""
rm -f "${DMG_FILE}"
function copy_files() {
echo "[*] Copy files"
if [ -d "${TMP_DIR}" ]; then
rm -rf "${TMP_DIR}" > /dev/null
mkdir -p "${TMP_DIR}" > /dev/null
hdiutil attach -noverify -noautofsck -noautoopen "${DMG_FILE}"
cp -R -X "/Volumes/CleanMyMac X/CleanMyMac X.app" "${TMP_DIR}/" > /dev/null
hdiutil detach "/Volumes/CleanMyMac X"
rm -f "${TMP_DIR}/CleanMyMac X.app/Contents/embedded.provisionprofile" > /dev/null
chflags -R 0 "${TMP_DIR}" > /dev/null
xattr -cr "${TMP_DIR}" > /dev/null
function apply_crack() {
echo "[*] Apply patch"
SRC="${ROOT_PATH}/crack/CleanMyMac X"
DST="${TMP_DIR}/CleanMyMac X.app/Contents/MacOS/CleanMyMac X"
cp -f "${SRC}" "${DST}" > /dev/null
chflags -R 0 "${DST}"
chmod 755 "${DST}"
DST="${TMP_DIR}/CleanMyMac X.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/CleanMyMac X Menu.app/Contents/Frameworks/CMMFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CMMFoundation"
cp -f "${SRC}" "${DST}" > /dev/null
chflags -R 0 "${DST}"
chmod 755 "${DST}"
function sign_other() {
for name in $(ls "${TMP_DIR}/CleanMyMac X.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/")
if [ -f "${TMP_DIR}/CleanMyMac X.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/${name}/Contents/embedded.provisionprofile" ]; then
rm -f "${TMP_DIR}/CleanMyMac X.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/${name}/Contents/embedded.provisionprofile" > /dev/null
sign_cmd "${TMP_DIR}/CleanMyMac X.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/${name}"
function sign_app() {
echo "[*] Sign App"
if [ -f "${TMP_DIR}/CleanMyMac X.app/Contents/embedded.provisionprofile" ]; then
rm -f "${TMP_DIR}/CleanMyMac X.app/Contents/embedded.provisionprofile" > /dev/null
sign_cmd "${TMP_DIR}/CleanMyMac X.app"
function create_dmg() {
echo "[*] Create dmg ${PUBLISH_FILE}"
mkdir -p "${PUBLISH_PATH}"
if [ -f "${PUBLISH_FILE}" ]; then
rm -f "${PUBLISH_FILE}" > /dev/null
create-dmg \
--volname "CleanMyMac X" \
--background "${ROOT_PATH}/assets/CMMX.png" \
--window-pos 0 0 \
--window-size 679 412 \
--text-size 14 \
--icon-size 128 \
--icon "CleanMyMac X.app" 158 130 \
--app-drop-link 526 130\
--codesign "${CODESIGN_CERT}" \
function publish_crack_dmg() {